We bought a new home... and its 3x bigger than our bungalow!

We already announced this via Instagram, but we purchased a new (to us) home and have been moving in this past week! Eek! I really can't believe it.

How This Happened

We drove past this 1847 Historic Colonial while on the way to the DMV to renew my license, just three days after it was put on the market. It was fate just like our first house; I saw the sign, scrambled to take a look at the price all while nonchalantly acting like it would probably be out of our price range (which it would be technically). Mitch was interested because although it was out of town it was only about 5 miles from our current home, and on the same road at that!

Literally that very same day we went to the bank to see what we could be pre-approved for, already knowing my mother wanted to live with us and was prepared to invest in a property we all liked if it came our way.

We viewed the house two days later and all of us just knew it was our home (that is if everything worked out) and boy has the timing just been perfect! The seller was away for the 4th of July weekend and had numerous second viewings scheduled, so we submitted a letter to the seller telling her who we are and why we wanted to buy her house, as well as our offer.  After accepting our offer, and learning that we had to sell ours in order to buy her, she gave us two weeks to sell!

We had an open house and put the home on the market on the 5th of July.... and there it sat until day 14. A friend was interested but didn't wanted to insult us with a lower offer; after a short discussion he decided to make an offer and see what we thought.

*The house was also perfect for him since he stands a bit taller than Mitch, and we built the home to work for our tall frames (cabinets built up & hung higher, bathroom mirror hung high etc). His girlfriend (whom does not mimic our heights) was the one to go gaga over the fact that her man finally fit in a space (she must really love that man to use a stool to get into her kitchen cabinets!)

We couldn't have been more ecstatic to know the new homeowners would love it and have it function for them just as well as it did for us!

Now What?

The blog will continue as normal and we are hoping you will continue to follow along with us as we update this beautiful home. It was really well maintained but needs some updating that we can't wait to tackle mostly in phases (due to the moola involved). I'll give more details about what our design plan will be in the coming weeks, but without further a do...PICTURES!


New Home Pictures!


The main entrance will be the "Gheebee" suite (thats toddler talk for grandma or my mothers suite), while the side entrances will be used mainly for us and guests.


Don't let that drive way on the left fool you, it actually turns into a walk path just after our neighbors home that leads to the elementary school! That is going to be so amazing for our little Haverly.

We have lots of ideas for updating & modernizing the home while keeping its historic charm/ details but right now we are focusing on ripping up the old carpets, removing wallpaper, and getting back to the basics.






What do you think of the tiny tiny half bath walkthrough??? But Ooooo that original wide plank pine flooring is a-m-a-z-i-n-g I feel like I won the lottery you guys.


We took more photo's and have already begun ripping up carpeting to re-finish the original hardwoods so I will update you on the progress asap; currently we don't even have all of our stuff in the actual house so I need to get moving on that tomorrow! Did you guys know its really hard to move with a toddler? Who would have thunk it?



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