Happy Independence Day + Flag Decor + Special Announcement!

  We try to celebrate and show our patriotism every time we get a chance, with tons of flag decor. Ever since we remodeled the disheveled porches into our front entry and office, we've had the perfect canvas! Something about a craftsman prefab home that just says patriotism, don't you think?

So here is the front on a normal day:

And then after:


Keeping Flags From Flopping In The Wind

After a few years of getting these up, I've come to realize we needed some type of weights to help hold the flags down a bit, just so the slightest wind doesn't flip the flags on the roof. Which of course looks awful.


So I picked up some curtain weights and sewed them on this weekend (nothing like last minute right?!)

Jury is still out on whether the three weights for each 6' x 3' flag will suffice, but we will give you updates in the future.

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So we thought today would be a perfect day to celebrate the good old Red, White, and Blue and Kuc's Baby #2, Due Mid-January !

Haverly is very excited and has gone as far as to kiss the baby goodnight lately and say "I love you baby". Fingers crossed that same feeling will exist once she is no longer an only child!

So far this pregnancy has been very similar to the last and I've been super lucky to have no real symptoms.

My only issues have been this pelvic/ lower back pain that I got out-of-the-blue before we conceived. This past week it was excruciating to deal with and hardly getting any sleep is frustrating when an active toddler is waiting for you each morning.

My mother and Mitch have been troopers during all of this so I've have some fantastic help and hopefully all the physical therapy will work wonders over time. Because of the pregnancy and location, no imaging can be done to see what the issue is; regardless the treatment would be the same. I'll take all of this to have another "kuc-ie." (Cookie) any day, we can't wait for this adventure!

Were wishing everyone a wonderful 4th of July spent with lots of food and people you love. Have a drink for me !