Why Try It? The Magic Of Tidying


You may have heard about the KonMari Method and the life-changing magic of tidying up; (if you haven't, then you need to check this out) you have possibly heard about it so many times from friends and relatives that you're wondering, again? Well yes, because we have done it before and know what an amazing impact this event of decluttering and organizing your home, things, and life will be for you.

By "we", I of course mean me, I've done it before while Mitch was a little skeptical of this whole process, but came around when he started to know where everything in the house was supposed to be/go instead of having to still ask me 6 years after moving into this 1000 sf home.

So.. then why are you doing it again you ask? I wouldn't say we relapsed because I could only go through so much without Mitch being completely on board, so, while I still think our house is in SUCH better shape than it was before our first KonMari adventure, we would like to complete the process from start to finish this time including Mitch.


If I Can Become Organized, I Promise You Can

I can still remember the panicked feeling about cleaning up my room; it was such a mess and I just didn't have the skills for it.

I wanted it clean even though it would seem to my family that I liked the mess and I hated that they were always upset about it.

"But you guys, I just couldn't...." It was just not something I could wrap my brain around, the overwhelm would set in and then panic.

I would basically shut down.

Which is why my sister who is 4 years older was allowed a day off from school every 6 months or so, just so she could help keep me calm while Mom tried to patiently teach me how to clean up my room without total melt down.

I've gotta give my mother credit, she never stopped trying to teach me even though I just didn't have that "type" of brain.

Up until I owned my own home, I just told myself I'd always have a mess because I just didn't have the same brain processes as those super organized folks.

If you've ever felt like that, I'm here to tell you you can do it, and it feels glorious. I won't tell you its easy, because its not, but it is well worth it.


Do you get frustrated because that thing you need is never right where you left it?


Have a dream that seems impossible because you just don't have the mental clarity or room?


Have you dreamed of a lifestyle change but don't know where to start?



If you feel like we do, having a home you really want to put in order, and want that change you've been dreaming of.... join us on this adventure!

A new post in this series will come out every week taking you through what to do, one category at a time.

Please share with your friends and family on social media so we can all gain the freedom we deserve and make room for other wonderful things in our lives!


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Try the Magic Of Tidying, What Steps To Take This Week

  • Purchase & Read Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up (Optional: Purchase Her Second Book, Spark Joy)

They are both quick and easy reads, so no worries, this won't take up your whole week. You can find them here and here.

  • Visualize Your Destination

Marie tells us in the book to identify our goal by answering questions about what we want to gain through tidying, and visualizing the ideal lifestyle you dream of.

I would first do this in your mind or by journalling on paper, then search for some inspirational pictures. Pinterest will work great for this, but remember its not about the photo having all the design details you want, just the feel of what you would want from your home when all is said and done.

While you're at it... follow us on  Pinterest  for inspiration!


  • Start looking at the schedule

Ideally you will work along with us tackling a new category every week (we will be splitting up miscellany into multiple categories).

But, Marie suggests you finish everything within 6 months, including all your sentimental's (which most of us get stopped up on and don't complete) . SO, if you need to take the full 6 months, please do, follow along with us as we go and come back when you get to that same section. Trying to do this too quickly and then burning out will only wrek more havoc on your home and life, and thats the opposite of what were trying to do here.







Going to come along and try the magic of tidying?

We want to know! Please share this post on your favorite social media and tag us so we can follow your results! We can do this together.


Susie & Mitch